Water Quality
Cloverleaf Lakes Onterra Consulting Mapping of Invasives September 2023
Cloverleaf Lakes Onterra Consulting Mapping of Invasives September 2022
Our Lake Plan
This serves as our guiding document for lake preservation actions and activities.
Cloverleaf Lakes of Shawano County Finalized Lake Plan 2022
Please check out this information about healthy shorelines:
2010 Summary of Cloverleaf Shoreline Projects
Overview WI Best Shorelines Practices
Please check out this research completed by the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance and Waterways Association of Menominee and Shawano Counties regional watershed coordinator:
Cloverleaf Lakes Shoreline Survey 2020
Please check out this research provided by our neighbors on 1) ice-on and ice-off dates and 2) eagle, loon and swan data. Very interesting! More great stuff to come!